Friday, November 30, 2007

Primerisima Entrata

Hello, my name is Gabriela and this is my blog. First entries are always tough, so much pressure to achieve a good one intimidates me a bit. I think this is great, being able to write whatever I want and people all over the world having access to it, though I´m not sure who would read it, ah the miracle of Internet. I´m in that in between generation where we were old enough to remember the before WWW era, hey I´m not very old but everything moves so fast these days, in fact I am almost sure that time did physically passed by slower before and it just gets faster with the years, that or being a kid gives everything more value, less work and more amazement to enjoy the little things, or maybe it´s just the city. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, been here for four years now, I am native of this beautuful country but this is the first time I remember living in it. I was an international student till graduation, it´s tough moving away every two or in the best cases three years, people who´ve been through this know what I mean. Anyway, If you are still reading this, welcome to a piece of my mind. God Bless.